
What has JoJo been up to?

Believe it or not, we here at Shiny & New are into JoJo. Yeah, yeah, it's just one of those things we can't explain. You can whinge all you like but "Too Little Too Late" is one of the best pop songs ever written ("We disagree with you" - Everyone else ever born with ears) and "Leave (Get Out)" is not far behind. So it is with great excitement that we greeted the news of a 3rd JoJo album, for with it, it would possibly bring an earth shatteringly good lead single. Apparently, however, Little Baby Jesus doesn't want this to happen. There have been reports that JoJo is suing her record label because they just won't let her release it.

Anyway... we know absolutely NOTHING (we are ridiculously ill-informed/bad at researching) about what is really going on, or whether we'll ever get that longed for 3rd JoJo album, but in the meantime here is a relatively bonkersly good pop ditty that's leaked. It might be on the album. it might not be. It might not even be a JoJo demo (it's happened before). So anyway... enjoy (oh and at least get to the chorus before you never visit our blog again).

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