
A self-consciously 'edgy' Girls Can't Catch video

To be absolutely fair, this isn't awful, but that in itself is not much of a compliment, is it? You can tell within seconds of watching this that it's a major label effort and heresforwhy:
  • The song production is top notch and polished to perfection
  • There is a theme: 'edgy' 'bad' 'girls'
  • This was clearly 'styled' by someone with a large budget and access to everything at All Saints
  • Despite the relatively 'low budget' feel, the camera work is clearly expensive
  • Someone has uploaded this in High Definition onto youtube
  • The facial expressions have blatantly been choreographed
It's a shame they can't dance, isn't it?


  1. are you always this miserable and negative? just wondered, anyhow I saw these girls supporting Girls Aloud on tour and they did dance and sing live and were brilliant!

  2. If this is 'miserable and negative', you don't visit here very often! You should read us when we get started on Take That.
