
A thing about Fever Ray...

Karin Dreijer Andersson (a.k.a Fever Ray a.k.a her-out-of-the-Knife) is a startling and unique talent, but then you probably already knew that. Her debut solo album, the eponymously titled Fever Ray, was released digitally earlier this year and due to some heinous blip in our judgement we forgot to write about it, but let us correct that now. Although her solo effort still greatly resembles her work with The Knife, when it's of this high quality, you can't complain.

And what high quality! Terrifying and ominous synth drones announce the opening of the album on "If I Had A Heart", pulsating and vibrating against Dreijer Andersson's digitally altered vocals. On "Now's The Only Time I know", tuned percussion echos rhythmically throughout. Lyrically themes of motherhood and birth pervade:
"In my arms she was so warm
Eyes are open the mouth cries
Haven't slept since summer"
she moans on "Concrete Walls". Here she sounds wise, ancient, transgender, and then suddenly young and whining. This is the stuff of nightmares and it is brilliant.

There have been two singles from the album already, each with their own uniquely petrifying music videos, and now there is a third: "Triangle Walks". If you want and are so inclined, you may download a remix for free here, although we fully encourage you to buy also. We also promise that from now on, the second Ms. Fever Ray does anything we will inform you of it immediately. We can but apologise for our previous mistakes.

"Triangle Walks" - Fever Ray
"When I Grow Up" - Fever Ray
"If I Had A Heart" - Fever Ray

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