
Madonna steals more babies!

We can't see anything wrong with this, but maybe that's because we're just teenagers blissfully in awe of everything Madonna does, or will ever do, but we don't get the enormous fuss over Madonna adopting another child from Malawi.

The facts:
* Mercy James is an orphan. Her mother died five days after child birth, and her father has never been found.
* Mercy James has lived in an orphanage for the past three years of her three and a half year life.
* Now Madonna has decided she wants to adopt her and the massive news coverage that has followed, her extended family - grandma, uncles, etc. - have declared they won't let Madonna take their beloved child away.

Why didn't they make an effort to get their child back from the orphanage where she has spent nearly all of her life?

S'all we're saying.

No one can argue that Madonna will provide the child with unprecedented benefits. She will have a brother, also from Malawi, who will form a major part of her connection to her home country. Madonna has already spoken at length of the measures she goes to to make David aware of his heritage, and I presume she will do the same with Mercy.

It really does highlight the greed and cruelty of people who are quick to cast aspersions on someone, anyone, doing good in the world, when it will sell them more newspapers or win them money if they paint them in a negative portrait.

Why are people so blind?

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