
Crack out the Oscars: It's Beyoncé!

Beyoncé has apparently gone on record saying she is desperate to win an Oscar. And even if she hasn't gone on record to say that, and we're just making it up, it's pretty darn clear! She must have been so upset that she didn't even get nominated for Dreamgirls, and J-Hud swished away with the award, and even more upset that no one seemed to care much when she pretended to be Etta James and stole her song to further her own career. Here, the video for "Broken Hearted Girl" is more evidence!

Anyone who didn't read this blog regularly would think we were being bitter or rude about Beyoncé, but this is just not true. We love her and we love her music and we can't wait to see her in concert... but her movie star aspirations are mildly lols. Just like Madonna's were, just like Mariah Carey's were, just like Lady GaGa's inevitable ones will be. In this here piece of arthouse ART, Miss Jay-Z Knowles takes a ride in a car, sniffs a rose on a beach (that's not a metaphor) and does some really quite bad fake crying at the start. It's a hot mess. But it'll do.

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