
A polygamy-themed Peaches video...

Rumour has it that Peaches, one of the most sexually controversial names in music, is doing a Beyoncé. Yes. A Beyoncé. It doesn't involve spuriously choreographed leotard-themed dance routines. Nor does it involve dramatic Christianity-themed pop balladry. Basically: she's making a video for every song on her album. We have no way of confirming this. But it's a rumour. And rumours are sometimes true.

In this, her video for "Lose You", a spooky and melancholy disco midtempo, she begins by making a rather strange confession to a male/female couple before descending into low-budget discotheque routine featuring holograms and men in unitards.

Anyone suggesting or hoping that Peaches had 'mellowed' or 'grown up' or any of that boring bullshit, here is proof that she's still as barmy as ever. Thank the lord.

"Talk To Me" - Peaches
"Kick It" - Peaches with Iggy Pop
"Boys Wanna Be Her" - Peaches

1 comment:

  1. The two gorgeous men in the white leotard are the beautiful most talented dancers/choreographers called MATANICOLA.

    this collaboration is heaven!!
