
People google the strangest things...

There's a fantastic Google application called Analytics that helps you know how well your webshite is doing and we have it. The secrets we find! People read this blog from every continent on the globe, the views for S&N seem to fluctuate wildly from day to day... people find our blog by googling for porn...

The best and most amazing feature of this application is that you can see what leads people to your little corner of the 'wob, and let us tell you, it's often well odd. Here are some of the best google searches that lead people to Shiny und New.
We've never written about 'russian tight girls' on here so this is a mystery...
Pixie Lott is indeed 'fit', but was the 'fuck' really necessary?
Yes, it is indeed offensive!
Well duh. (ALLEGEDLY).
More people who like to state the obvious.
Clearly a Goldsmiths art student looking for porn.
We don't even want to go there... too good for words.
If writing dirty words on our blog gets us more hits, we should do it more often.
This is just brilliant. If you can find the phrase 'cocktail peens' on our blog we'll give you a prize (an imaginary one). Classical.

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