
Stuck In Our Head: "Eet" - Regina Spektor

If you thought Regina would never top "Samson" or "Braille" in terms of lush, poignant and melancholic piano ballads, you were wrong. Whilst this maybe doesn't necessarily 'top' the aforementioned songs, it easily equals them, which is quite a feat. We're unsure of the exact meaning of the word 'Eet'. Is it just an alternative spelling for the final syllable of 'complete'? Is it a word from a language Regina has invented? We'll NEVER KNOW.

Whatever the meaning of the title, however, there's gorgeousness aplenty. The opening lyrics:
"It's like forgetting the words to your favourite song..."
almost immediately rank in amongst our favourite (Regina) lyrics ever. There's a fantastic sort-of counter melody played in octaves on the piano that appears after the choruses that starts off sounding like something predictable out of Coldplay and ends up sounding like something from a tweely epic J-pop ballad about rainy nights in Tokyo. Spectacular!

The above video, despite starting slowly, picks up brilliantly. It consists of Regina playing music on a typewriter in a desert. We know... that's exactly what Mariah's planning for her next video. It compliments the song perfectly, and what a beautiful song it is.

FYI: the rest of the album is incredibly special, too.

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