
Incoherent babblings RE new Sugababes' song...

Las Sugababes get a lot of flack, and we’re not entirely sure why. They’ve been consistently responsible for some of the most stonkingly good pop over the past decade or so, giving us at least 10 or more solid pop classics, and have survived more line-up changes than any other girl band, except maybe The Pipettes, but they’re in a league of their own. We once read an article that probably came the closest to explaining why the Babes of Suga are so derided by music fans and critics but we can’t remember where it was so we’ll just give you the gist. This article basically said that for the last 3 Sugababes albums or so, they haven’t been pop innovators, they’ve lagged behind, something the flawed but decent Catfights and Spotlights seemed to seal more than anything else.

Nevertheless, they’re still a cut above the rest, and their new single, “Get Sexy”, continues to prove it. Yes it’s not a completely unique sound, yes there’s some contrivance to be found in a British girl-group flaunting something so flagrantly expensive and trendy and American, but this is pop. The criticisms that seem to be levelled at the Sugababes don’t seem to be aimed at their girl group contemporaries. The ‘babes are complicated because they’ve had so many line-up changes, performed so many different styles of pop, and held such different roles in the public’s heart, from moody teen rebels to British pop queens to mumsy Cosmo-style safe-popstrels… but when a song like this comes along, a big pop stomper with supremely silly lyrics and giddily expensive production, we feel that as pop fans, you just have to skim over the contrivances, as you do with almost all other pop, and enjoy.

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