
The Latitude Report #1: Introduction

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As you may be aware, we went on a very special little field trip over the weekend. We say 'field', and we mean it, quite literally, because WE WENT TO LATITUDE. As a side bar, typing the word 'latitude' just then reminded us of the fantastic song-and-dance sequence at the end of Bratz: The Movie, when they rhyme gratitude with platitudes. It's real art, Lady GaGa, real art. ANYWAY, we enjoyed ourselves so ridiculously we are going next year even if it's headlined by Rik Waller, a Steps tribute act and the Cheeky Girls. It was exactly the right amount of music, poetry, literature, culture, art, comedy, theatre, nature, beauty and sleeping in a tent, and we loved it. What will follow this little introductory ditty, will be a series of reviews accompanied by a series of beautiful pictures, by our resident photogenius. We hope maybe, that our detailed reviews will give you an itching to go next year, or just make for a sexy read.

We have to say, sauntering down from our tent, past multi-coloured sheep, through fairy-lit trees, across a calm, rippling reed-edged river and down to an arena full of some of our favourite music acts, all washed down with more cider than we thougt we could manage made for the best weekend of our lives. So enjoy the posts...


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