
Things we didn't predict for '09...

As we've pointed out before we like to admit when we're wrong, and continuing on from this theme we decided to tell you what we've gotten wrong this year, because almost nothing goes how you think it will, no matter how musically savvy you think you are. So below is a list of things we did NOT expect to happen in the year they're all calling '2009':
  • We did not expect "Bulletproof" by La Roux to go to number 1, as good as it is.
  • We did not expect "Mama Do (Uh Oh, Uh Oh)" by Pixie Lott to go to number 1, because it's shit, although we suppose we should have predicted this as it is right up the public's collective street.
  • We did not expect La Roux's "In For The Kill" to outsell "The Fear" by Lily Allen, despite the former peaking at 2 and the latter peaking at number 1 for FOUR weeks.
  • We did not expect Florence and the Machine's album to be so glitteringly divine, because at this point all we'd heard was "Kiss With A Fist", which is still a horrendous wart on an otherwise near-perfect album.
  • We did not expect Dan Black's album to be so listenable, so we apologise for earlier rude things we may or may not have said, although he still comes across as a bit of a berk.
  • We did not predict that Patrick Wolf and Regina Spektor's comeback albums would be so lush and complete.
  • We did not expect "New In Town" by Little Boots to tank so horribly, even with a rubbish video.
  • We did not expect to enjoy Little Boots album quite as much as we do - it's ruddy great.
  • We did not expect to find more than one VV Brown song worth our time, but we have found many on her cohesive, thorough and charming debut album.
  • We did not expect any VV Brown single to dent the top 40, but "Shark in the Water" is fantastic and deserves to go number 1 for at least 3 weeks (like it did on our very own Hot Right Now chart).
  • We did not bank on more great music than we can handle, in '09, but already it's making '08 seem paltry and lean in comparison.

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