
A big-budget Jay-Z video...

There's a fairly 'fierce' moment towards the beginning of this big-budget bonanza where Rihanna sets something on fire and then lowers her hood to reveal her beautiful face and cockatoo haircut. Other than that, depite all the money spent, it's fairly monotonous. There's a bit in the song where Kanye raps "no homo" and we have to say, as one of the gayest music blogs in the world, a music blog so gay we don't even know who Oasis are, that this sort of irritates us. The full lyric, if you care goes like this:
"everyone on your dick: no homo"
Whilst we are aware that Kanye West is not homophobic, and has, in fact, spoken up against homophobia in hip hop (something extremely brave and admirable) there's something a bit ridiculous about his need to assert that, yes, he is not gay. Well we realise that. It's a bit like when people say "I don't have a problem with black people but I'd never date one". You know? That sort of covert prejudice. "I don't have a problem with gays, but I am NOT ONE NO SIR I AM NOT." Well, Kanye, we didn't think you were, but if you carry on protesting like that we might get suspicious.

Don't get us wrong, we're not offended by Kanye's assertion that is "no homo". It's just interesting isn't it? Or is it? It isn't.

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