
The Saturdays 'rock'...

As predicted, or rather as per the rumours, The Saturdays new single is, in fact, 'rockier' than their previous sound (if by 'rockier' you mean Kelly Clarkson-lite). There's a preview up above and we are going to do the sensible thing and RESERVE JUDGEMENT BECAUSE IT WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY CHANGE. It sounds like it may be a hit. It sounds like it will probably lodge itself in your brain. It sounds like a nice progression from their first album. But beyond that... we're going to wait and see. It's probably a good idea if we actually hear the whole song first. That little clip up there only consists of what we presume is the chorus. Maybe it has a killer riff in the intro we haven't heard... we live in hope.

Anyway, whilst this is all very exciting (some of you may also like to know that they've ditched their trademark 'colours', so no more 'wee-coloured tights') we also did a little digging and managed to find out, via the magic of twitter, that the 'rockier' direction may have been FRANKIE'S IDEA ALL ALONG. Yeah, we ain't pointing fingers, but she openly likes Paramore (nothing wrong with that) so it was clearly all her idea. Oh and Una's because she gets out her guitar at EVERY opportunity.

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