
That was quick.

As much as "Forever Is Over" is 'quite a good pop song' and seems like it COULD be exactly the right thing to launch the Saturdays second album, the video doesn't exactly scream BIG STONKING COMEBACK, does it? It sort of says 'solid 2nd/3rd single'. But it doesn't say ALERT!! THE SATURDAYS ARE BACK!! It's arrived very quickly, hasn't it?

Anyway... In this video, in amongst the shots of the Saturdays cooking (!), talking earnestly on a red telephone, writing fervently in a diary and throwing popcorn at the Irish one (racism) there's a brilliant moment that just captures the imagination. Someone (we think it's Frankie) is typing angrily at her computer where she has 'cleverly' done the world LOVER in a big font on her laptop:

With one fell swoop, one brutal stab of the backspace key, she effectively, metaphorically ends a relationship. With one tap of the keyboard she changes the evocative word 'LOVER' to this:

Just sad, isn't it? We wonder how many record label interns it took to come up with that one.

Anyway, it'll be interesting (to some people) to see how all this pans out. The Saturdays have managed, against odds, to establish themselves as a big proper girlband in the UK, and this 2nd album malarkey will be crucial in shaping their careers in the longterm. We can't tell yet (obviously... we ain't Mystic Meg) whether their 'new direction' will be a success or not, but we're pretty sure it'll either be the making or the breaking of them. Let's hope for the former.

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