Whoops, wrong ones.*

So it would seem the Spice Girls, aka the first true musical/pop culture obsession of this very writer, had a little coven session last night. Which just warms our hearts. So good to see Mel B pretending to like Geri! Where is Vicky B? Parading around in her smocks in Enn Why See, that's where. But who cares, the remaining Spicies in London had a nice little meal together, laughing, gossiping, comparing what's left of their careers, etc. THEN Mel B went home and twittered THIS.

HOW EXCITING! Yes it is glaringly obvious that if they
do reform for some more live dates, it will purely be financially motivated (we have no pretensions that the last tour wasn't for the same reasons) but who cares? The Spice Girls, for all their airs of down to earth, common as muck girls, have always been professional performers in impressive productions. And we know, just as you probably would dear reader, we'd be on the Ticketmaster (damn you Ticketmaster and your monopoly on all things ticketed) in an instant the second tickets were released for the Spice Girls at Wembley Stadium.
*How appalling is the Alexa Arquette Ginger Spice? We're not even going to discuss Posh Dwarf.
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