
A glittery Ellie Goulding video...

There's nothing wrong with this video, above, and certainly the song is fantastic (it has 'grown' on us to an unheard of degree... no, really) but we can't help but feel they could have done something a bit more stylistically original. Ellie Goulding is an incredibly pretty (even beautiful) young woman and being the big flaming, melodramatic homosexuals that we are we would have obviously preferred her styling to be more striking (she looks like she's just got dressed for a slobby Sunday or come in her best pyjamas). We're not suggesting she should have dressed as a stripper for the video, but you catch our drift.

Anyway, if this is just the taster single and the big huge commercial-push one is out not out 'til next year, we await it with both baited breath and the erotic tingle of anticipation.

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