
Rihanna is incredibly brave...

Either this is going to cement Rihanna in your mind as one of the most interesting and unusual female popstars on the planet, or confirm to you that she has, unfortunately lost it and ruined her chances of becoming the world's biggest star. This writer is firmly in the former camp, enjoying "Russian Roulette"'s eerie (relative) musical understatement, and this, "Wait Your Turn (Wait is Ova)", a shuddering and phenomenally catchy mid-tempo with a melancholy uplifting chorus.

Others are not so convinced. Quite how all this pans out, and whether it either makes, or breaks Rihanna will be fascinating and nerve-wrenching (for those who care). What is entirely certain is that Ms. 'RiRi' has never been so consistent in her sound and image, and whether you find it delicious or contrived, this is looking to be the most skewed and interesting mainstream pop album of the year.

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