We haven't posted about Lady GaGa in rather a long time, which is a magical feat for us considering that back in the day we literally posted about her daily. We know. Let us now take the time to apologise profusely for that! What can we say? We were young (we still are). We were stupid (we still are). And we were mesmerised by her supernatural ability to wear something slightly more ridiculous than the day before, every single day of the entire year.
We also haven't really had time to review The Fame Monster, which we're also sorry about. Sorry, guys. Sorry a hundred times. There's nothing we can tell you that you don't already know but we'll have a go at defining how we feel about the work. Here goes:
- The individual songs are better than any individual song on her first album.
- BUT... as a whole it feels short and themeless.
- It feels like an EP even though it's really an album.
- We'd have preferred a few more tracks and a completely separate release entitled simply Monster.
- It's still bloody fantastic and every single track is a completely brilliant pop song.
- SO:
- Fab set of smash-hit singles.
- Confusing project.
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