We're not going to bore you with the 'deets' here. We covered it all last year. Yes! Canst thou believe it? Last year was 2008. And already we're colliding into the next decade with a speed we can only describe as... timely. Anyway if you want a recap of what we thought of 2008's best albums clickst
here! Exciting times... (And yes, we're sorry about all these lists. SORRY SORRY SORRY. But they are coming to an end very soon. VERY SOON. As in, within the week. Possibly sooner. So hold tight! Nearly there!)
- Adele - 19
- Santigold - Santogold
- Girls Aloud - Out of Control
- Lykke Li - Youth Novels
- Camille - Music Hole
- Erykah Badu - New Amerykah Part One (4th World War)
- Madonna - Hard Candy
- Joan As Police Woman - To Survive
- Lady GaGa - The Fame
- Ladyhawke - Ladyhawke
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