We haven't done a list-based critique in a while (oh the preceding post contained one! Woops!) so we thought we'd whack one out for Katie Melua (don't take that out of context, it sounds vile):
This is some easy-listening, Enyata, post-trip-hop, Dido shit!
The production, by William Orbit (off-of Madonna's Ray of Light - yes!) is, naturally quite stunning, and it does build to a euphoric peak.
Nevertheless, Melua's voice is as grating and bland as ever... a feat, considering those two qualities are usually mutually exclusive.
Why the fuck has she gone all Olivia Newton John on us, with the naked menz and the homoerotic grappling? What is this, a Kathryn Bigelow film about surfing, starring Keanu Reeves?
Her wobbly piano is (unintentionally) hilarious.
Bitch can't dance, she can't even do good floaty hands so she just does LIMP ones throughout the vid.
There's a HILARIOUS jazz hand bit at 1:57.
The lyrics are cheesey as all hell still ("waves pulling you down" or some overdone shit) and the melody wobbles precariously between 'epic' and 'embarrasingly pseudo-alternative chillout'.
On her upcoming album there are tracks with the following names and WE KID YOU NOT:
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