
A year or so later..

I once passed a hairdresser's in Lewisham that had the following quote enscribed on its window: 'When great art speaks for itself, don't interrupt.' Not sure who said it or when (I hope the proprietor penned it whilst creating an elaborate mohawk) but, in the context of the Gossip's new video, it's pretty apt.

Alright, it may not come under any National Gallery definitions of art since it lacks waterlilies, warring titans, baby oiled warriors and or lots of naked people looking angry/bloated/both whilst wearing a jewel encrusted diadem, but it is a sort of chaotic, panoramic Last Debauched Supper, but with no supper, lots of hipsters, urination, vomit, suspect behaviour taking place in a 'moving' vehicle. And in place of Jesus there are just lots of Jesus haircuts, framed artfully by vintage 1970s sweatbands.

Even if it is a year (A YEAR!!!) late-something which could have been easily rectified if Beth hadn't been ensnared by glorified energy, personality and creativity vaccum that is Plant Planton aka Fearne Cotton and the atomic brain-melt that is ITV2-it is still very good. Something could be said about the Divine drag-channeling, something could also be said about the sad yet inevitable infiltration, in just about every 'topical' 'on trend' music video today, of studio's corporate handpicked hipsters as seen in Kylie, Kesha, Katy Perry etc etc etc, something could also be said about the bizarre dichotomy between the progressively direct sentimentality (no longer making sense) of the song and the deliberately perverse and provocative visual depravity placed against it, something could also be said about Beth's amazing dress/bus/hair/key collection/EVERYTHING, but then again, something could just as easily not.

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