
Evacuate the dancefloor (someone's farted)...

It's the new Cascada song and, yes yes, it's very listenable but it's also extremely contrived. As Popjustice (who offended one of our writers in an unprovoked attack yesterday) pointed out, it is VERY obviously Lady GaGa-influenced, but perhaps not as much as one might think.

The thing is, the song itself is not particularly GaGa - it sounds like your average Cascada song - but the production is extremely GaGa: from the wobbly bass in the verses to the buzzy synth in the chorus (Lesbo said it sounded like a vocodered kazoo ensemble). The completely unnecessary rap also adds a GaGa-knockoff element to it, as do the lyrics, which are some of the most obvious and cliché-laden of our times.

It just makes us wonder how many cheap Lady GaGa knockoffs we have to endure before the year is up. We predicted there would be many, but we thought they would be NEW artists, specifically searched out by record labels in a cynical attempt to cash in, we did not anticipate that every established artist and their dog would be commissioning copycat versions with continually diminishing returns.

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