
Intrigue! The Imogen Heap album tracklisting...

1. "First Train Home"
2. "Wait It Out
3. "Earth"
4. "Little Bird"
5. "Swoon"
6. "Tidal"
7. "Between Sheets"
8. "2-1"
9. "Bad Body Double"
10. "Aha!"
11. "The Fire"
12. "Canvas"
13. "Half Life"
Much intrigue abound in the new Imogen Heap album tracklisting. The 'work' is called Ellipse and it's out in the near future. "Bad Body Double" sounds inneresting, as do "Swoon" and "Aha!"... to be honest, some of them sound generic and uninspired ("Wait It Out" anybody?!?) but this is Imogen Heap we're talking about here so we fully trust in her ability to craft something completely genius and strikingly original.

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