
It's like Christmas come early...

According to someone who is often (sometimes) right about these things, Lady GaGa will be re-releasing her debut album, The Fame, as The Fame: Monster, with 6 new tracks and a brand new single, "New York". For all of y'all who have stuck by Ms. GaGa from the start when people laughed if you mentioned her name, said "who the hell is that?" if you brought her up in conversation, claimed they didn't like her songs and then did 360 degree turnarounds declaring her their new favourite artist, who told you they hated her before they knew anything about her...

Well this is special news indeed. We know she's deluded. We know she's flawed. We know she's pretentious. She's also the most exciting new popstars for literal decades and we will endorse almost everything she does.

Make it special please, love.

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