
Housekeeping Note.

You may have noticed that our blog hasn't been updated in a few days. NO, NEVER FEAR, WE HAVEN'T ABANDONED IT FOREVER. We just went on a long weekend country trip. It was fantastic, thank you. We were tempted to pre-write some posts and stagger them to be auto-posted across our petit holiday but because we're lazy and stupid we didn't, so NER to more competent music blogs worldwide.

We also went on the very best Shiny & New field trip of our lives and visited Madonna at the O2 Arena for the second incarnation of her Sticky & Sweet tour. Tour review to follow shortly, but to give you a clue as to how we felt about it: amazing beyond words. To commemorate this occasion we've done the current Top Ten of the Week on Madonna albums, the irony being that there are only 11 of them so 90.90% recurring of them are on the list anyway. Yes we realise this is neither ironic nor clever.

So sue us.

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