
Stuck In Our Head: "Mud" - Peaches

When we first saw the tracklisting for Peaches latest album, I Feel Cream, we were both struck and terrified by the song title "Mud". Having already witnessed her queasily funny and revolting take on "My Humps" entitled "My Dumps" (DO NOT YOUTUBE THIS IF YOU ARE FAINT OF HEART) you could forgive us for having thought this might be something similarly scatalogical and sick-making.

Fortunately for the general mental health of S&N writers and readers, this doesn't seem to have much to do with bowel movements and is, instead, a slinky, spooky, synth delight, full of lushly harmonised oooohs and aaahs and a very nifty bassline-style electro riff. Brillo pads.

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