
Call off the search...

We know we're coming to this rather late, but you'll have to forgive us because we had more important things to do (like pretending it didn't exist). Basically, if you're a bit slow, or live under a rock, this is Peter Andre's 'comeback' single. It's already at something like 4 in the chart (I know, it's time to flee the country) and marks a complete departure from his previous work in that we don't actually think that's his voice on it (strangest vocal effects of the year, for sure).

Anyway, the title of this post (and don't even come close to thinking it has anything to do with Katie Melua because that talentless pot of beige paint has no place on our blog) refers to the fact that we have now found the worst lyrics of the year, and possibly the decade, encased in this here song and are therefore vetoing any rules we have about only handing out prizes at the end of the year in order to award this the HONORARY PETER ANDRE SHIT LYRIC MEDALLION OF THE YEAR.

The offending lyrics are below, 'btw':
"Behind closed doors,
That's where the truth is,
That's where the lie is"
Just... just... NO.

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