
Has it come to this?

Well yes, apparently. You may have noticed that in recent days we've been rather lacking in news. A couple of shoddy 'new music video' posts and an almost inexcusably poor excuse to stick all Lady GaGa's magazine covers together masquerading as an actual post about how far she's come... WELL WE'RE SORRY. Anyway, the non-news continues, with this, which is apparently from the album cover shoot for Alexandra Burke's debut 'effort'. Oddly, we're more intrigued by this than we probably should be, as 'serious' 'music' 'lovers'. But hey ho. (Sidebar: How Erykah Badu is that headwrap?) We're hoping Alexandra's album artwork is more like this:

than this:

We guess that goes for the quality of the music contained, too. But you can't have everything, can you?

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