
A potentially exciting collaboration...

We've got a lot of sentimentality attached to our childhood(s) and can you blame us? It was before everything went tits up and we had to start worrying about the ins and outs of social etiquette (for example: is it socially acceptable to have one Paris Hilton song on your iPod? It's just ONE song!!!). One of the things we have sentimentality attached to is the book of Where The Wild Things Are. Well, some of us do... others of us were scared shitless by it, but everyone's different and special (like snowflakes, or rectums if Margaret Cho is to be believed).

Anyway an "awesome-looking" (that's a quote... the state of journalism these days!!!) film adaptation directed by Spike Jonze, he of the 'awesome' films and Björk music videos, is around the corner and for the soundtrack Karen O is in charge. It's officially credited to Karen O and the Kids which just means Karen O and various collaborators. Anyway there's even going to be a single from the whole project and you can 'preview' it here as well as find out some juicy tidbits about the movie itself:

Exciting, n'est-ce pas?

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