
Cheryl's Album Cover: Your Views

We have comments enabled on our blog and it is a big pity because you, the readers, never leave them. We're lying. Occasionally a lovely Madonna fan will lavish us with (quite clearly deserved) compliments, and occasionally a deranged P!nk fan will chastise us for calling her a lesbian (WE KNOW SHE'S NOT A GAY, BUT 'LESBIAN' IS NOT AN INSULT SO FUCK OFF).

Anyway, we wish you'd leave comments more often because we love to hear from you and we KNOW you exist, because Google Analytics says so. It says we receive enough views every day to continue making it worth updating, but not enough to make any money out of it. WHICH IS FINE. It is our passion, not our job. So there it is. The Cheryl Cole album cover. What do you think?

Let us know... please.


  1. Looks like a photo you'd see already in a frame when you buy it in Debenhams.

  2. I think it's classy and sexy and glorious.


  3. If it was anyone but Cheryl I'd think it was a gorgeous album cover but I don't think it really suits her. She looks beautiful and everything but I would have gone for something a bit more "fun Cheryl" rather than "classy Cheryl"
