
A cinematic Rihanna video...

Youtube is being preposterously difficult, so fuck them. Go shove your 'embedding disabled by request' up a small and painful orifice. Preferably a nostril or an 'earlug'. Anyway. This is probably exactly how you expected... that is to say it is cinematic, well-edited, well-acted, dark, moody, a tad disturbing (edging towards 'controversial') and contains one big *gasp* moment. It's handsomely done.

Speaking of Ms 'RiRi'. We've just given the album a whirl, and it's fantastic. It positions Rihanna as an artist, not just a pop puppet. It is so different to Good Girl Gone Bad it has had a certain group of 'club banger'-obsessed little whingers recoiling in disgust (always a good thing) and renouncing their fanship. People are calling Rihanna 'stupid' for doing this, but it could be the cleverest thing she ever does. It could extend her career far into the distance. Imagine if she did obvious 'club bangers' or 'eurodance' or 'future&b' for the rest of her career? She'd be an ageing sad diva on the club circuit before too long.

Anyway that's just our 'two cents', as the Americans would say.

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