
You look a little sad boy, I wonder why

If you have been following this blog fo'eva, you'll be aware that Madonna is our girl, above anyone else, ever ever ever. Within the Madonna universe, there happens to be a very soft spot we hold for "Open Your Heart". As fully paid-up card-carrying members of the Enormous Madonna Nerd Club, we are able to draw a distinction between the two periods of Madonna tours; pre-Jamie King and post-Jamie King. From the Drowned World Tour in 2001, the tours King produced for M had a noticeably different flavour to the Christopher Ciccone-produced tours of olde; not worse or better, just different. One thing we noticed was the lack of attention given to pre-Erotica material, so basically anything which featured on The Immaculate Collection. Steadily one by one each of the songs on the compilation popped up on tour, yet "Open Your Heart" was never actually brought to the stage.

The closest we came was on the first leg of the Sticky and Sweet Tour, wherein the 'request' section she gave us the first verse and chorus. It would now seem that around this period, she decided it would be a good idea to record an acoustic version with her guitarist. Very recently, it leaked. The song is a complete breath of fresh air; she's not reading from lyrics because she quite clearly fucks up in the first verse, her voice sounds so young and full of vitality, it all just sounds so fun. She sings one of her biggest but most neglected hits with pride and relish, something which can only point toward an inclusion on a future tour setlist. It was a pleasure to hear over and over again. Enjoy!

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