There's nothing really left to say. Before too long we'll be posting our albums of the year (in no particular order), our singles of the year (in a sort of particular order) and our videos of the year (again in no particular order) and then we think we're gonna call it a day for Christmas.
You know how it is. Spending the wintry holiday somewhere without internet access or actually having to interact with your family or having better things to do. We'll be back in the New Year though, bigger, badder and better than ever.
This blog started off as a way to pass time and let of steam for a loved up gay couple and their various acquaintances and has actually developed into a living, breathing blog. We love it and we're glad that the 1.4 readers we have love it too (even if they leave sarky comments... you know who you are).
I guess what we're trying to say is MERRY CHRISTMAS and all that. Check back soon for our lists of the year, have a good (drunken) one and we'll see you once again in 2009 for more Madonna-related gushing, badly written pop reviews and lesbian whinging.
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