
Commendable effort, love.

There was a hoo-ha a while back about this being the brand new Rihanna 'feat.' Lady GaGa single. It wasn't. Off-of the back of this LIE-fuelled hysteria, which may or may not have been intentional (we'll never know), Eva Simons, the REAL artist behind it, has been signed to a major, apparently international record deal.

It's a quite good 'package', but really, it takes more than some sparkly costumes, a ridiculous haircut and a jaggedly 'edgy' dance routine to be Lady GaGa. We're reserving judgement, because you never know, Eva Simons may be a piano-playing, fashion-designing, controversy-baiting pop innovator, but our gut instincts are telling us that this is just fairly clever cashing in... either way, it's a diverting 3 minutes or so. Or if you're more cynical, a disturbing look into the psyche of record labels who'll attempt to cash in on anything.

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