
A nostalgia-inducing Jade Ewen video...

When we say 'nostalgia', what we mean is that just by watching this, you will feel transported back to 2003. Har de har.

Jade Ewen, herself, is a little bit interesting actually. Having won that horrendous SEARCH FOR A EUROVISION STAR thing on BBC1, she went on to place 5th in the competition, the best we've done in yonks, and surprised everyone by showing both charmingness in interviewy bits, but also a willingness to go in there and 'give it her all' where other lesser acts would be embarrassed to. For whatever reasons all her enthusiasm and wide-eyed charm payed off and now she's signed to Polydor. This, her first official single as a 'proper' pop star is a cross between something Ashanti would have released in 2003, and something Beyoncé would release now. So it's half dire and half immense.

Never fear, though, because the next single is brilliant and is going to be huge, even if it's not your cup of tea.

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