
Something we're excited for.

We know this news leaked a few days ago, but since we're having such a fabulous week off in sunny Lewisham we're only just getting round to it. Basically, there's this singer-songwriter from this-here London who had this album out in 2008 and hasn't really done much since. More importantly, the album was vair vair successful, which means she's done another one! Adele, we mean. We'll call her Adele from now on.

We 'discovered' Adele back in the tail-end of 2006 when we used to spend our spare time trawling MySpace Music profiles (those were the days!) for 'up and coming' artistes to get all foamy in the mouth at. There was a beaut of a song called "Hometown Glory", which despite being basically A Beginner's Guide to Songwriting Clichés, had a chillingly beautiful melody. There was also "Crazy For You" (around this time we had also fell head-over-heels for Mademoiselle Ciccone, and we were a little disappointed to find this wasn't a cover of The Other Most Amazing Song Called "Crazy For You" (Madonna's version)) - omg we just had to do a double close bracket *interjection overload boom boom sizzle sizzle fizz* WE THINK WE ARE DRUNK. No, this must be completely down to excitement for Adele's next album. Where were we? Ah yes, we also won a competition mid-2007, back when Adele was very "hush hush", to see her at a venue in London named The Hospital. It was for record label execs to get all excited at and was very very glamoir. This writer's mother accompanied moi, and we trained it down from the Grim Midlands, and we went for hot chocolate and chocolate cake at this fabulous pattiserie near Harrods where we felt really spesh and nearly had to have a lie down due to massive sugar rush on account of chocolate liquid and cake consumption and FUCK - this is not one of our better articles.

Anyway - we got a call while we were sashaying around Knightsbridge mere hours before we were due to see a Currently Unknown But Soon to Be Very Popular Talent to say "Adele won't be performing tonight, she's got tonsillitis, soz!" Bitch. We did a bit of retail 'therapy' (love it when people say that) and went home. Her album came out a few months later, it was massively successful, and to use one of the most irritating Internet-birthed acronyms we have come across in recent weeks, TBQPH (to be quite perfectly honest - we know, fucking annoying right?) it deserved it. Her voice is astounding, like, actually astounding. She can write her own fucking songs - she did write "Hometown Glory" at 16 after all, it deserves a bit of cringe - and she can play guitar/piano/voice box. So Adele is an actual proper musician. Another thing we like - her first album was called 19 because she was 19 when she released it... her new album is named 21 because she's now 21! Well good. We hope she continues this themeing. Also, both album covers are very similar. Smoky lighting, closed, deep-in-thought musing eyes, no photography below the neck because she's a bit of a chub and that puts mums in Tesco off. We love music-related graphic design continuity like this. Keep it up.

The song is out soon so we'll probably discuss it then. If it's shit, forget you ever read this.

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